Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Of wrappers and to-do lists

A huge shiny gift under the Christmas tree waiting to be opened. You count the days till you can get your hands on it, and when you finally do - Oh! the pleasure in tearing apart that stooopid wrapper, getting to see your Blingy new toy and jumping up 'n down for a week, till it becomes Yet Another Thing.
Point to be made aside - no matter how impatient you are, you always find time to break a few bubbles on the bubble wrap.

Back to the story. So summer holidays are that. The enthusiasm which I started it off with... dead and gone. Off to Neverland. Along with the long to-do list I had. Driving license (lagging behind 2 years), passport (don't even get me started with that), the 10 something books I bought that I have to read, cooking classes, internships, summer courses... 

The problem with all this Confessing - depression. 
And solution - Chocoloates :D
And that's why life ain't that bad.