Thursday, December 27, 2012

I walk. Therefore, I am

When I walk, I shift the imbalances. The imbalance of one step cancels out the imbalance of the one before it. When i am steady, sure of my place, I stay. There's no progress in it. A series of steps, each out of balance, each a risk, with every potential of falling down, are what makes us travel.

When I walk, I move. I incorporate the changes around me. Else I remain static.

-Inspirations and learnings from Bhutan

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Walk of Fame

When I cross the road at 7 pm, I am a celebrity. Headphones plugged in my ears that play the background music of my life then.  The hot headlights are the blinding flashes of the annoying paparazzi. I am in a world of my own. Swaying my butt in a sexy swagger. Almost a catwalk. Then comes my moment of truth, when a biker almost crashes into me.

Thanks! I didn’t know that cussword, you moron. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The hypocrisy of morality

I believe morality is imbibed in us when we are kids.
One might not brush one's teeth twice a day, but would hesitate when causing someone harm. That
is my personal definition of a refined human being. Separating them from the fanatics.

By a chance encounter, I came to see how kids are taught 'Right' and 'Wrong'. 
Twelve year old kids spouting poetry beautifying the effects daroo and nasha in their romanticised imagination. That goes unchecked. Even encouraged at times for it's poetic value.

When a molestation was broadcast over a gazillion news channels, the kids noted the elders saying - 'that woman has been put to her place'.
Movies of pure dreaded violence are screened without a second thought. And I'm not surprised that some of the kids' aim in life is to be a Don.

The hypocrisy comes to light now. When there is a scene showing two consenting adults making out on screen, that is blasphemous. The channel is immediately changed and the kids are shoo-ed away. The unspeakable has been brought to light.
'No no Madamji! We cant play with the values of the children'.

Of course. 
We The People shuns love. And lauds rapes. 
Peace be to the Bhartiya Sanskar.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The Love Drug.

Some say 'it's all in the smell'
How do people never seeing each other love then?
Those shiny posters of hunky hot bods in my room
Isn't that love then?

If not, 'the character it is'
Sounds reasonable. But not valid.
How do I love a baby then?

'the way he looks'
I'm blind. Yet I fall for you.

'It's just an idea', they say.
Yet I love You; and not Him.

'A connect of souls'
I don't think my coffee has a soul.
And i don't just like it.
That's love too.

I guess I'm done defining.

Hate is better.
You hurt me. I hurt you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Mane Point

This has to be a cliched post. The before and after of a hair-cut. For a girl, that is, obviously.

Now, I am one of those kind of people who have forever wanted long hair. So I try nourishing it, nurturing it and finally bringing the length down a few inches below my shoulder line. This feat takes a year (some slow growth I say!). And by then, it is summer.

Now the problem with summer is, it one season when my hair decides to have a mind of its own. Therefore, heavily damaged hair is what I end up with by mid-summer. And then comes my pilgrimage to the Salon. The stylist tells me how damaged my hair is (yes I know!), asks me what hair products I use (the most embarrassing  question for some odd reason) and tells me he/she'd chop off my damaged hair (yay!). I get all enthusiastic and give the thumbs up for Short Hair.

A few hours later, I stare stupidly at myself in the mirror.
Oh yes, I've done the same old familiar mistake again. And that is why I never will have long hair. Period.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Of wrappers and to-do lists

A huge shiny gift under the Christmas tree waiting to be opened. You count the days till you can get your hands on it, and when you finally do - Oh! the pleasure in tearing apart that stooopid wrapper, getting to see your Blingy new toy and jumping up 'n down for a week, till it becomes Yet Another Thing.
Point to be made aside - no matter how impatient you are, you always find time to break a few bubbles on the bubble wrap.

Back to the story. So summer holidays are that. The enthusiasm which I started it off with... dead and gone. Off to Neverland. Along with the long to-do list I had. Driving license (lagging behind 2 years), passport (don't even get me started with that), the 10 something books I bought that I have to read, cooking classes, internships, summer courses... 

The problem with all this Confessing - depression. 
And solution - Chocoloates :D
And that's why life ain't that bad.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Birth of a Narcissist

And then there are times when the universe speaks to you.. Like there's this personalised message in the air that nuzzles right next to your earlobe and tells you a secret. The sort that charges you up and fills spirit in you.
Times when you feel the scientists in NASA are dumb, trying to hunt for the centre of the universe when duh, 'I'm here!'.

Side effect, the rest of the world has to tolerate another narcissist. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

To Look Busy

Creativity at its best? Welcome the exam season.

For it is then that you are forced to stare either at the computer or a sheet of paper during those times.
And lo tadaa... you write stuff that you re-read and feel awesome about (and your sympathetic friends would agree too, in superlative terms of course!).
Sigh... times when everything about the world is sunny and bright.

Whiling away time, till the last minute,
Waiting for the ass-on-fire feeling.
Tomorrow's paper, just wait there.
Poetry and rhyme! You end with a ting.